Electronics-Related Products

Based on our technology and sales network, we provide high-performance products for the electronics industry and others, mainly in the semiconductor and LCD related industries.


High-performance O-ring

Matsumura Oil has a rich experience of over 35 years, we will provide your satisfaction material seal to every needs.


[Perfluoro Features]

BARREL PERFLUORO O-rings promise long-term good sealing performance in semiconductor and LCD manufacturing equipment and all industries.

notice)Never use “Barrel Perfluoro” O-rings for transplants, implants, and other medical operations.   Because there is risk that using “Barrel Perfluoro” O-rings can lead to serious loss, we recommend conducting a compatibility test before use.


BARREL PERFLUORO 75BExcellent resistance to gas and solvents.
Better stability than other types when subjected to physical stress such as contact etc.
Mainly for use in wet etching, outside gas line of process chamber, and CVD equipment.
Resistance to Amine and steam.
Black color type

Physical properties①
BARREL PERFLUORO MPBGreater elongation, strength, and heat resistance than the 75B.
Other features are the same as the 75B.
Black color type
Physical properties①
BARREL PERFLUORO ZTGreater heat resistance, tensile strength than the 75B.
Excellent resistance to steam and boiling water.
Black color type
Physical properties①
BARREL PERFLUORO PHTCan be used in high temperature environments such as boiling water, high temperature steam.
Can endure high temperatures of up to 300℃.
Good outgassing.
Excellent resistance to Amine and NMP
Black color type
Physical properties①
BARREL PERFLUORO MP300BCan endure high temperatures of up to 300℃.
Good compression set.
Good outgassing.
Not used for boiling, high temperature steam and amine.
Black color type
Physical properties①
BARREL PERFLUORO 70WOccurrence far fewer particles than the Black type placed under the plasma environment.
Best used at temperatures less than 200℃.
Mainly used for dry etching chamber.
White color type

Physical properties②
BARREL PERFLUORO 55CNon-particle grade (contains no filler)
Due to its low hardness, it may deform when used at high temperatures.
Excellent resistance to O2 gas.
Suitable for fixed areas, such as View port.
Clear color type
Physical properties②
BARREL PERFLUORO 70PEnhanced hardness while retaining the non-particle capabilities of the 55C.
Ideally suited for systems with high gas levels, such as dry etching in high integrated circuits that are particularly unresistant to particles, as well as etching and ashing in LCD equipment.
Like the 55C, it contains no metals, thus it is non-corrosive.
Especially effective when used in micro wave process.
White color type
Physical properties②
BARREL PERFLUORO MSP2The same characteristics as 70P.
Also in the PCVD process, the weight loss is the least, especially resistant to NF3 and O2.
White color type
Physical properties②
BARREL PERFLUORO SPZThe same characteristics as MSP2
Superior physical characteristics make it ideally suited for dynamic seal.
White color type
Physical properties②
BARREL PERFLUORO SPαThe same characteristics as SPZ.
SPα has hardness 70°.
White color type
Physical properties②


[NON-Perfluoro material Features]

Although it is a non-perfluoro material, Achieve the best performance wherever use it.

notice)Never use High performance O-rings for transplants, implants, and other medical operations.   Because there is risk that using "FLUORO EXCEL series etc." O-rings can lead to serious loss, we recommend conducting a compatibility test before use.


EXCEL 10Provides the greatest stability for O2 of all Non-perfluoro products.
It contains no carbon black, thus is low particles.
Physical properties③
DIRASMore excellent resistant to oxygen and fluorine gas in the Non-perfluoro type category.
Superior physical characteristics make it ideally suited for dynamic seal.
It contains no metals etc. thus it is low particles.
Physical properties③
FLUORO EXCEL 403Non-adhesive type that incorporates a special filler.
Maintains about 1/10 of particle in dry air environment compared to FKM-70.
Physical properties④
FLUORO EXCEL HTGreater heat resistance than ordinary fluoro rubber. (can be used continuously at about 275 ℃)
Oil resistance, chemical resistance, strength substantially are the same as FKM-70.
Physical properties④
FLUORO EXCEL BExcellent resistance to steam and boiling water.
Excellent resistance to solvents (mainly inorganic acids). (Cannot be used for amine liquid systems)
Better mechanical properties than FKM-70.
Physical properties④
FLUORO EXCEL ESDAlthough it is conductive (108 to 104), please use it for the purpose of antistatic (antistatic).
(Excessive current may cause a fire)
Other characteristics are the same as FKM.
Physical properties④
EXCEL C21Among Non-perfluoro category, amine resistance is most excellent.
Best as a sealing material for resist stripping equipment in wet processes.
Physical properties⑤
Other productsFKM-70,EPDM,NBR, Silicon,Fluoro-silicon,etc. -


High-performance cleaning solution


Revolutionary Technique for Deposit Treatments

This product was developed to employ a chemical stripper to easily remove the various oxide films and rust from the stainless steel, solidified Si and resin components of equipment used to manufacture a variety of devices, such as LEDs and LiB.
By removing films more safely and easily than conventional techniques, this product will help improve productivity and reduce on-site costs.

Product Description⑥


High-performance fluorine oil / grease

[High-performance fluorine oil]

Perfluoropolyether features extremely high thermal and chemical stability as well as inactivity

notice) Please make your own judgment when adopting and using the product. Except for guaranteeing that the delivered product conforms to the standard specifications, we do not take any warranty or responsibility, including express and implied, including commerciality and suitability for a specific purpose.


DEMNUMTMDEMNAMTM is a perfluoropolyether oil.
It is extremely stable thermally and chemically, and is especially suitable as a lubricant that requires heat resistance and cleanliness. It is used for semiconductors, aerospace, electronics, automobiles, OA, etc.


[High-performance fluorine grease] Each manufacturer's product can be handled.


High-performance engineering plastic

We process and sell for semiconductor / liquid crystal manufacturing equipment and parts of various materials  used in the manufacturing process.


HaROT J001Matsumura oil's original super engineering plastic resin, which is hard, supple, has a low coefficient of friction, and has wear resistance.
Many achievements, CMP process retainer ring, DRY process plasma resistant parts, WET process transfer roller, etc.
Physical properties⑦
Engineering plasticPA, POM, PC, PET, PBT, etc. -
Super Engineering plasticPSU, PEI, PES, PPS, PEEK, PAI, PBI, PI, etc. -


Other electronic products


Fine ceramics productsWe sell fine ceramics products used in semiconductor and liquid crystal manufacturing equipment.
Interlayer plate for multilayer hot press
"DP2 SUS Plate"
We use high-performance stainless steel and sell it as an intermediate plate for printed circuit board hot presses.